Portfolio Backlog Refinement

Refinement of the Portfolio Backlog is the process of adding details to backlog entries, making estimates, splitting backlog entries, or changing the order of entries in the Portfolio Backlog. Refinement is a continuous process in which the Portfolio Owner and the Cluster System Engineer Group (CSEG) jointly detail the Portfolio Backlog entries. The entries are examined and revised as the Portfolio Backlog is refined. However, the Portfolio Owner can update or have the entries in the Portfolio Backlog updated at any time.

The Portfolio Backlog refinement is mainly used to prepare the next Portfolio Planning . The Portfolio Owner of the Cluster System Engineer Group (CSEG) presents new backlog entries and has them estimated. This is a prerequisite for the “pull” of the CSEG and is often referred to as definition-of-ready . In the case of unclear but highly prioritized backlog entries, the CSEG clarifies the System Requirements , possible System Concepts and capabilities . This can be worked out as a group or a corresponding backlog entry can be created as an order for one of the Clusters.

Estimation of the effort required to implement backlog entries

Estimates by the entire Cluster System Engineer Group are important for two reasons:

  1. By jointly estimating, the CSEG analyzes the respective backlog entry from different perspectives and enriches it with information such as acceptance criteria and boundary conditions. The first ideas for implementation are also generated.
  2. The result of the estimation is a number with which individual backlog elements can be evaluated, for example for prioritization. In addition, it is now easy to calculate how many backlog elements can be dragged into a cycle, namely by comparing the backlog elements completed in the last cycles ( organization velocity ).

The team uses the Planning-Poker ® methodology to estimate the effort .

Further suitable links:\r\n

Further suitable links:

Events Roles Groups Artifacts
Team Backlog Refinement .

Cluster Backlog Refinement


Portfolio Planning

Organization Sync

Portfolio Review

Organization retrospective

Portfolio Owner

Portfolio Architect

Organization Scrum Master

Cluster Product Owner Group

Cluster System Engineer Group

Cluster Scrum Master Group

Organization Management Circle

Portfolio Backlog

Systems & Applications

System Platforms & Variants

Organization DoD

Organization Improvement Backlog


System Concepts, System Architecture & Capabilities

System concepts describe possible solutions for system and product variants (applications = feature sets) and their requirements . System concepts implement the System Requirements within the restrictions (contraints) and balance the quality requirements (Quality Attributes)out. The P4 framework explicitly provides several System Concepts as solution options for the implementation of System Requirements in the system backlog. This means that several solutions to a problem may be identified and developed further (divergence in the solution space). The goal of product development is to only develop so many different System Concepts (in parallel or in succession) until some concepts are disqualified and ideally a clear favorite emerges. Depending on the degree of innovation in the development, this can be a very large number of concepts at first, or new concepts may even arise during product development.

In today’s product development, the concept of reuse and thinking in building blocks, product lines and platforms has become very popular. This is reflected in the P4 framework by the architectural aspect of this level. The requirements for the platform are contained in the ” Quality Attributes & Constraints ” (eg modularity, reusability, markets and applications).

The responsibility of the Cluster System Engineer is also the division of so-called capabilities into Modules, which are described as services in more complex systems. The basic idea is that certain Modules provide skills that can be used by other Modules.



Further suitable links:

Events Roles Groups Artifacts
Cluster Planning

Cluster Sync

Cluster Backlog Refinement

Cluster Review


Cluster Product Owner

Cluster System Engineer


Portfolio Owner

Portfolio Architect

Team Product Owner Group

Team System Engineer Group


Cluster Product Owner Group

Cluster System Engineer Group

Inspectable Results

Team DoD


Usable Knowledge & System Increment

Cluster DoD


Systems & Applications

System Platforms & Variants

Organisation DoD