System Requirements & Functions

Systems are described at the top level by System Requirements and Functions (features). Requirements only describe abilities or properties in the “problem area”, so they are still independent of concrete system solutions. The solution space is already limited by the Quality Attributes & Constraints .

Interfaces to neighboring systems in the environment and their properties are also specified here. For this a sogn. Context diagram created and used.

Functional System Requirements of the stakeholders are often written in the form of User Stories * and later specified using Use cases“.

*) P4 introduces the term “Stakeholder Stories” in this context, since they are suitable for the specification of requirements of all stakeholders, not just the user.

**) Non-functional requirements (NFR) are not written directly into the system backlog in P4 (see Quality Attributes & Constraints )



Further suitable links:

System Requirements on Wikipedia

Events Roles Groups Artifacts
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